Join Our Loyalty Club!

Join our Loyalty Club today and receive exclusive discounts as well as rewards points which lead to a voucher!

There are no hidden costs or membership fees, so scroll down and sign up today!

Join Our Loyalty Club!

Join our Loyalty Club today and receive exclusive discounts as well as rewards points which lead to a voucher!

There are no hidden costs or membership fees, so scroll down and sign up today!

We extend our complete care by inviting you to join our Loyalty Club. Receive all our latest news, in-store promotions and discounted prices on health, beauty and lifestyle products monthly, as well as Beauty Service Vouchers (Click here to view our offerings & price list)


  • Receive a $20 beauty room voucher for every $150 spend in store (excl. prescription items) 
  • Vouchers valid for 3 months from issue date
  • Card free system
  • No membership fees
  • No spam emails or texts


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    Bagga's Pharmacy

    178 Hunter St Mall, Newcastle, NSW 2300
    ph: 02 4929 1758 | email: